Jumat, 26 Februari 2016

Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island

Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island google doc
Among the other beaches in Bantul,yogya,java Island. Depok Beach was the one that looked most designed to be the center of culinary tourism enjoy sea food. On this beach, provided a number of traditional food stalls offering seafood, lined up not far from the beach. Some stalls were intentionally designed to face south, so while enjoying the sea, you can see the view of the open sea with big waves.

Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island google doc

Diner feel of a typical coastal and fishing activities Depok Beach has grown since 10 years ago. According to the story, around 1997, several fishermen from Cilacap finding adequate landing site in Depok Beach. The fishermen with catches pretty much inspired the local people who made their living as farmers to catch fish.

Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island google doc

Some coastal residents began to become "Tekong", the local term for fishermen. The Tekong fishing with a capital of incorporating motorized outrigger boat. Catching fish is done almost throughout the year, except on certain days that are considered sacred, namely Tuesday and Friday POND POND. Outside the fish dry season which lasts between the months of June to September, the number of catches is quite good.

"fresh" Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island google doc

Because of the number of catches is large enough, then local residents opened the Fish Landing Base (PPI) which is then fitted with a fish auction place (TPI) named Mina Bahari 45. The fish auction at the beach is even accept deposits fish caught by a fisherman in the beach- other beaches. When, where the auction is being visited by the tourists.

Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island google doc

As more visitors to the beach which is located 1.5 kilometers from Parangtritis, then opened a food stall-stall eating sea food. Generally, food stalls that stood on this beach offers a traditional feel. The building looks simple diner with a pyramid roof, while the seat is designed Lesbian using mats and small tables. Although simple, they are clean and comfortable.

Various seafood dishes can be sampled. The most popular fish dishes and is tuna. Other types of fish that can be enjoyed is the sea bass and red snapper. Types of fish that are quite expensive is pomfret. Besides fish, there are also crabs, shrimp and squid.

Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island google doc

The seafood is usually served grilled or fried. If you want to order, you can go to the fish auction to order fish or other catches. After that, you usually will be escorted to one of the food stalls on the beach was by one of the residents.

Satisfied having good meals, you may leave the beach and turn right towards the direction Parangkusumo and Parangtritis. There, you will find a rare natural scenery and stunning, the sandbanks. Sandbanks in this beach is the only one in Southeast Asia and is a phenomenon that is rarely found in tropical areas. Here, you can enjoy a vast expanse of sand, like desert.

Depok Beach The Seafood Java Island google doc

Sandbanks located near Depok Beach formed over thousands of years through a process that is quite unique. In the past, there are various types were formed, namely barchan dune, dune comb, longitudinal parabolic dune and dune. Currently only a few artifacts, namely barchan and longitudinal. The sea breeze and the steep hill to the east of the sands, resulted activity of Merapi is deposited near the river to the mainland, forming dunes or dunes.

To enjoy seafood while admiring the sand dunes, you can go through the same route as Parangtritis Yogyakarta. After arriving at the near post retribution Parangtritis, you can turn right to Depok Beach.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Parangtritis Beach The Exotic java Island

Parangtritis Exotic java Beach google doc
Parangtritis located 27 km south of the city of Yogyakarta and easily accessible by public transport which operates until 17:00 pk well as private vehicles. The afternoon before sunset is the best time to visit the most popular beach in Yogyakarta. But if you arrive more quickly, it could not hurt to go up to the cliffs of Gembirawati behind this beach. From there we could see the whole area Parangtritis, south sea, up to the horizon.

Parangtritis Exotic java Beach google doc

Discoverz'll tell you a secret. Not many people know that in the east the cliffs have hidden a temple ruins. Unlike the other temples located in a mountainous area, Temple Gembirawati just a few hundred meters from Parangtritis. To reach this temple, we can pass the ramp near the Hotel Queen of the South and into the walkway to the west about 100 meters. The faint rumble of the ferocious sea waves south could be heard from this temple.

Parangtritis Exotic java Beach google doc

Parangtritis very closely with the legend of the Queen of South. Many Javanese believe that Parangtritis is magical kingdom Ratu Kidul gate which controls the southern ocean. Hotel Queen of the South is a resort named after this legend. Unfortunately, this resort is rarely open when used to have a view that could make us breathless.

Parangtritis Exotic java Beach google doc


Parangtritis Exotic java Beach google doc

When the sun has been biased toward the west and the sunny weather, it's time to have fun. Although visitors are prohibited from swimming, Parangtritis not lack the means to having fun. On the beach there are rental ATV (All-Terrain Vehicle). Enter his gear and then release the clutch while pulling gas. Brrrrooom, four-wheeled all-terrain motorcycle racing will take you across the sand dune beach.

Okay, ATVs may only be suitable for those who are adventurous. Another option is the gig. Down the sand surface smooth waves washed with hansom 2 is no less enjoyable. The buggy will take us to the east end Parangtritis place so beautiful cluster of coral spot often used as a pre-wedding photo shoot. Dim twilight and shadows of golden sun on the water surface even evoke a romantic atmosphere.

Parangtritis Exotic java Beach google doc

Parangtritis also offers excitement for those who traveled with the family. Playing the kite with your child is equally enjoyable. Strong sea breeze which was very helpful to make a kite flying high, even if you have never played a kite though.

Still reluctant to return even though the sun had already set? Soon some roasted corn sellers will hold a mat on the beach, we could hang out there until late at night. They also did not want to go home? Do not worry, in Parangtritis provided dozens of inns and lodging at an affordable price.

Krakal beach on java Island

Krakal beach on java Island google doc

Krakal has long been famous as one of the beaches on the southern tip of Yogyakarta indonesia. which has outstanding beauty. Sloping coastline and white sand sprinkled with breaks that clear. Rock adorn most of the shoreline, is home to fish colorful coral. Damselfish fish yellow with blue accents on his back, the fish butterflyfish (butterflyfish) striped dark blue and light blue, as well as a small group of bright blue fish swim among the rocks. Starfish legs sticking out from behind the black stone of their hiding places.

Bored playing on the beach? Try to walk across offshore. A series of rock protruding to the surface and lined up lengthwise as forming a pathway on the ocean. Do not forget to wear footwear in view of the sharp rocks of this. Some fishermen passing by, looking for a strategic place to throw a fishing pole. Its more fun to dive in shallow waters to seek UMBAL, a type of small marine animals that live attached to rocks. By locals, UMBAL is then processed into a savory peanut brittle.

Krakal beach on java Island google doc

In addition to having an exotic beauty, Krakal turned out to hide the waves suitable for surfing play. Surfer walking towards the row of rocks offshore to meet later waves of type reef break is quite challenging. Sea base is dominated by the reef so surfers should be extra careful. Dry season between March and September are the best time to wait barrel in Krakal.

Krakal beach on java Island google doc

Although located about 2 hours by car from Yogyakarta, the access road to Krakal is quite nice and flat. Rows of food stalls and some hotels also can quite easily found around the coast, making it easy for you to stay while waiting for the best waves for surfing. However, surfing is not a sport that is quite popular among the locals. You have to bring their own surf boards since no surfboard rental place here.

Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Indrayanti Java Beach

Indrayanti Beach google doc
The sun had not arrived at the current high  Indrayanti Beach. Two sea snails move slowly in a rock niche, no matter with waves crashing. A bunch of teenage fun chatting while occasionally styled to capture. In the west appeared three people were running around chasing the waves, while others relax in the gazebo while enjoying the fresh young coconut is served directly alongside the fruit. Some lodgings drafted back to nature stands proudly at the bottom of the hill, while the stilt houses and huts that resemble honai (traditional house Papua) stands near the shore. Yellow jet ski sitting in the corner of the restaurant.

Indrayanti Beach google doc

Located east Sundak, restricted cliff beach is one beach that presents a different view than the other beaches in Gunung Kidul. Not only trimmed with white sand, coral reefs and clear blue water as if calling out travelers to throw themselves into it, Indrayanti Beach also features restaurants and cafes as well as a row of specialty that will pamper tourists. Diverse menu ranging from seafood to fried rice can be in a message at the restaurant overlooking this beach. At night, the gazebos in the shoreline will look beautiful for illuminated flickering light. Enjoy dinner at the cafe is accompanied by the rustle of the wind and the rhythm of the waves will be the romantic experience that is not forgotten.

The mention of the name of the previous Indrayanti Beach reaping a lot of controversy. Indrayanti not the name of the beach, but the name of the owner of the cafe and restaurant. Due Indrayanti name that appeared on the nameplate of cafes and restaurants beach, people finally call this beach by name Indrayanti Beach. While the government named this beach by beach name Pulang Syawal. However Indrayanti name much more popular and more commonly referred to than Pulang Syawal. The involvement of the private sector in the management of Turkish Indrayanti apparently helped bring positive impact. Unlike the other beaches are rather dirty, along the shoreline Indrayanti looks clean and free of litter. This is because the manager did not hesitate to impose fines for each waste dumped by tourists indiscriminately. Therefore Indrayanti be a pleasant place to visit.

Indrayanti Beach google doc

After enjoying a plate of fried rice and coconut ice in the gazebo, headed for the hills on the east side. As there is no road, through the bushes and shrubs while rock climbing also be an option. Arriving at the top of a hill with a view of the sea bebatasan Indian Ocean outspread. Some birds fly while carrying reeds to build a nest. The sound of the waves and the rustle of the wind chime orchestra creates a beautiful and calming.  gazed westward. Some of the beaches are separated by hills seen lined, gazebo and stage house looks small, whereas people like diminutive. When dusk came, this place would be a good spot to watch the sun back into the dusk. Dear  must hurry home. Although it does not have time to watch a beautiful sunset, the charm of Turkish Indrayanti been seared in the liver.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Petirtaan Jolotundo Temple " Water of java king "

Petirtaan Jolotundo Temple " Water of king " google doc
The location is not too far from the city of Surabaya, approximately 50 km to the south. This distance is usually taken within 2 hours of travel by private vehicles.Petirtaan Jolotundo located in the village Seloliman, highland Trawas, Mojokerto. The bathhouse is located at the foot of Mount Bekal. Along the way, you will be spoiled with a cool breeze through the pines and firs that grow on the side of the road.

Petirtaan Jolotundo Temple " Water of king " google doc

From various studies there are differences of opinion on this petirtaan function. Some experts such as Shutterheim, Krom, Vanstein Callenfels assume that Jolotundo a burial place. But this opinion is disputed by some other experts who think otherwise, as stated by Soekmono that the temple is not a tomb. In addition other archaeological evidence also shows that Petirtaan Jolotundo built by King Udayana at the time he was 14 years old. As stated by Soekartiningsih then petirtaan function is as a monument of self-expression and the presence of King Udayana when resigned to meditate in order to gather the strength that will be used to re-occupy the throne in Bali. Petirtaan Jolotundo said never dry despite the long dry season. By having a high mineral content, making the water in the pond water Jolotundo declared as the best in the world. 

Petirtaan Jolotundo Temple " Water of king " google doc

 Many experts agree that the figure of 899 years of the founding pillars is Petirtaan Jolotundo. If so then in the presence of Udayana was 14 years old. The inscription year number becomes more interesting when associated with the character in relief Jolotundo. The story of the kidnapping Mrgawati pregnant Udayana presumably can be aligned with the evacuation process Udayana Bali to East Java when it was hit by pralaya (calamity / disaster warfare). These events are closely related with an inscription that reads "gempeng".

Petirtaan Jolotundo Temple " Water of king " google doc

As for the writing Udayana and Mragayawati engraved on the wall of the terrace can be seen as an attempt Jolotundo Udayana to solidify its position by using the mother's name in a manuscript known as Mrgawati. In the history of Udayana marriage with the daughter of Java, Gunapriyadharmapatni seen as an attempt to solidify his position.

Petirtaan Jolotundo Temple " Water of king " google doc
Petirtaan Jolotundo Temple " Water of king " google doc

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

Singosari first before Majapahit kingdom. Located in the village Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang regency, about 9 km from the city of Malang to Surabaya direction. Discovered in the early 18th century (years 1800-1850) by the Dutch as the Temple Tower. The temple is also known as the Dome of the temple. Both of these names shows that Singosari is the highest temple in his time, at least when compared to other temples around him.

Finally, the name used until now is Singosari because it's in the Book Negarakertagama Singosari.Berdasarkan penyebutannya Canto 37: 7 and 38: 3 and Gajah Mada inscription dated 1351 AD in the courtyard of the temple complex, the temple is a place of "pendharmaan" for the king last Singasari , Sang Kertanegara, who died in 1292 due to the army attacked the palace bangles led by Jayakatwang. Strong suspicion that the temple was never completed.

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

 If you are a lover of culture and history, certainly know one of the famous kingdom in East Java? Yes, the kingdom Singhasari or sometimes written Singasari or Singosari. Kingdom which had debuted in his time not only leave the story and values ​​fascinating history but also left a historic building that still stands today. Is Singosari royal heritage that can still be seen.

Several temples in East Java, especially those located around the city of Malang, has close historical links with the Kingdom Singosari. Singosari dynasty is descended Ken Dedes with both her husband, Ametung stumps and Ken Arok. The history of this kingdom gave birth to the legend of artificial keris Mpu Gandring very famous among the people of East Java.

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

Interestingly, if you see a glimpse of the building Singosari as the duplex, because the bottom of the square-shaped temple roof, resembling a small room with niches on each side. It seems the original niches containing a statue, but the current fourth empty. On top of each threshold niches are carved headdresses Kala with more complicated. Meru peak of the roof itself shaped tiered, getting up smaller. Most of the roof peak seen already collapsed.

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

Senin, 22 Februari 2016

Candi Kalasan The Java Buddhist Temple

Candi Kalasan The Buddhist Temple google doc
Candi Kalasan or Kalibening  is a temple which is categorized as a Buddhist temple located in the village of Kalasan, Sleman regency, Yogyakarta province, Indonesia.The temple has 52 stupas and were on the side of the highway between Yogyakarta and Solo, and about 2 km from the Prambanan temple.At first only Kalasan is found in the area of ​​the site, but once dug deeper then found more buildings ancillary buildings around the temple is. Besides Kalasan and buildings - other supporting buildings there are also three small temples outside the main temple building, shaped stupa.

Based on the inscription Kalasan bertarikh 778 were found not far from this temple mentioned the establishment of a sacred building to honor the Bodhisattva women, Tarabhawana and a monastery for the monks. rulers who govern the construction of the temple was named Maharaja Tejapurnapana Panangkaran (Panangkaran) of the family dynasty. Then the comparison of manuscripts in the inscription Kelurak this figure can be identified by Dharanindra or with the inscription Nalanda is the father of Samaragrawira . So that this temple may be evidence of the presence of the Sailendra dynasty, rulers of Srivijaya in Sumatra on Java.Building on the basic form of Tara Temple is the longitude sangakar each side measuring 45 meters with a building height of about 34 meters. Kalasan vertically divided into 3 parts, namely temple foot, temple body and temple roof.

Candi Kalasan The Buddhist Temple google doc

At the foot of the temple is a large stone which shaped square in the middle there is a makara ornate staircase on the side edges. There are ornaments ropes as ropes out of a pot carved on foot around this temple.

In the body of the temple seen jutting out the side of the center and on the outer surface of the body of this temple have niches that adorn the figure of the god who was holding a lotus flower with a standing position. Furthermore, if we look to the southeast will see a chamber in which there is a throne decorated with a lion motif sedanga elephant standing in a backpack. From the east side of the viewer you can enter the booth.

Candi Kalasan The Buddhist Temple google doc

Kalasan part of the roof has a square shape of eight consisting of two levels. On the first level there is a Buddha statue that depicts humans. While on the second level there is a statue depicting Buddha Yani. Meanwhile at the top of this temple darii symbolizing Semeru summit the square is decorated by some of the stupa. There are also flowers heaven creatures that dwarf named Gana on the border with the roof of the temple body Kalasan.

If you can take a closer look with attention to detail of this temple, there are reliefs of interest on the surface of this temple. For example, a tree carved reliefs of gods and clouds Khayangan playing a musical instrument. The inhabitants of this brings fiddle, clams and camara. There are also reliefs of foliage, tendrils and flower buds. Kalasan has its own uniqueness because all existing reliefs coated ancient cement called Brajalepha made from the sap of certain trees at that time.

Candi Kalasan The Buddhist Temple google doc

There are 52 pieces of 4.6 m tall stupa that surrounds the body of the temple is that not all intact, because there are no parts may be reunited because it is damaged. One proof of the greatness of Panangkaran at the time it was written in Panagari lettered inscription of the temple, he is to be able to build the temple in the territory of Thailand.

Kalasan is enough to prove that era there is an effort for mutual respect between the followers of religions. Panangkaran which is a Hindu temple built on a proposal Tara Buddhist monks from the next to be offered again to Pancapana Buddhist. This temple inspires a Buddhist from India named Atisha ever visited Borobudur and spread Buddhism to Tibet

Candi Kalasan The Buddhist Temple google doc

The uniqueness Kalasan located on beautiful decoration and fine stone carvings. Additionally ornaments and reliefs on the exterior walls covered with old-fashioned type of cement called Valjralepa. Uses Valjralepa aims to protect the temple from moss and fungus. Valjralepa also soften carved reliefs and give effect to the temple of golden color.
Valjralepa layer is rarely found in the area Prambanan temples. Besides Kalasan temple is using Valjralepa ie Sari temple.

Candi Sari is a series with the construction of Kalasan. Kalasan as a place of worship while Sari temple serves as a dormitory for Buddhist monks.
Kalasan plan of building a square. The roof is octagonal and a top shaped dagoba (stupa). The situation has been severely damaged. Only the southern part of which is still intact. Touted, formerly its chamber has a 6 meter high bronze statue that is now missing. While the third cubicle was empty.
Body and roof of the temple is decorated with carvings very beautiful. Consisting of recesses, tendrils, statues of Buddha, dagobas-dagobas and statues Gana, the dwarf potbellied usually carry goods. Kalasan was once entirely covered by stucco, as well as other temples. While smoothing parts of the temple are added stone coverings made of limestone.

Candi Kalasan The Buddhist Temple google doc

Inside the temple are visible now, there was an older construction. Therefore, some experts say that banguna present it is an additional structures in around the 9th century. The original building obviously has an older age than that.
Plan Kalasan feet located in top of a square pedestal. The temple grounds also square. At the foot of the temple there makara. No decoration around the foot of the vase. Body temple squares with viewer-viewer that juts out in the middle of the side. Includes a decorated throne singha sekeor standing on the back of an elephant.

Candi Kalasan The Buddhist Temple google doc