Selasa, 23 Februari 2016

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

Singosari first before Majapahit kingdom. Located in the village Candirenggo, Singosari, Malang regency, about 9 km from the city of Malang to Surabaya direction. Discovered in the early 18th century (years 1800-1850) by the Dutch as the Temple Tower. The temple is also known as the Dome of the temple. Both of these names shows that Singosari is the highest temple in his time, at least when compared to other temples around him.

Finally, the name used until now is Singosari because it's in the Book Negarakertagama Singosari.Berdasarkan penyebutannya Canto 37: 7 and 38: 3 and Gajah Mada inscription dated 1351 AD in the courtyard of the temple complex, the temple is a place of "pendharmaan" for the king last Singasari , Sang Kertanegara, who died in 1292 due to the army attacked the palace bangles led by Jayakatwang. Strong suspicion that the temple was never completed.

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

 If you are a lover of culture and history, certainly know one of the famous kingdom in East Java? Yes, the kingdom Singhasari or sometimes written Singasari or Singosari. Kingdom which had debuted in his time not only leave the story and values ​​fascinating history but also left a historic building that still stands today. Is Singosari royal heritage that can still be seen.

Several temples in East Java, especially those located around the city of Malang, has close historical links with the Kingdom Singosari. Singosari dynasty is descended Ken Dedes with both her husband, Ametung stumps and Ken Arok. The history of this kingdom gave birth to the legend of artificial keris Mpu Gandring very famous among the people of East Java.

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

Interestingly, if you see a glimpse of the building Singosari as the duplex, because the bottom of the square-shaped temple roof, resembling a small room with niches on each side. It seems the original niches containing a statue, but the current fourth empty. On top of each threshold niches are carved headdresses Kala with more complicated. Meru peak of the roof itself shaped tiered, getting up smaller. Most of the roof peak seen already collapsed.

Candi Singosari Temple of Ken Arok google doc

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