Rabu, 24 Februari 2016

Indrayanti Java Beach

Indrayanti Beach google doc
The sun had not arrived at the current high  Indrayanti Beach. Two sea snails move slowly in a rock niche, no matter with waves crashing. A bunch of teenage fun chatting while occasionally styled to capture. In the west appeared three people were running around chasing the waves, while others relax in the gazebo while enjoying the fresh young coconut is served directly alongside the fruit. Some lodgings drafted back to nature stands proudly at the bottom of the hill, while the stilt houses and huts that resemble honai (traditional house Papua) stands near the shore. Yellow jet ski sitting in the corner of the restaurant.

Indrayanti Beach google doc

Located east Sundak, restricted cliff beach is one beach that presents a different view than the other beaches in Gunung Kidul. Not only trimmed with white sand, coral reefs and clear blue water as if calling out travelers to throw themselves into it, Indrayanti Beach also features restaurants and cafes as well as a row of specialty that will pamper tourists. Diverse menu ranging from seafood to fried rice can be in a message at the restaurant overlooking this beach. At night, the gazebos in the shoreline will look beautiful for illuminated flickering light. Enjoy dinner at the cafe is accompanied by the rustle of the wind and the rhythm of the waves will be the romantic experience that is not forgotten.

The mention of the name of the previous Indrayanti Beach reaping a lot of controversy. Indrayanti not the name of the beach, but the name of the owner of the cafe and restaurant. Due Indrayanti name that appeared on the nameplate of cafes and restaurants beach, people finally call this beach by name Indrayanti Beach. While the government named this beach by beach name Pulang Syawal. However Indrayanti name much more popular and more commonly referred to than Pulang Syawal. The involvement of the private sector in the management of Turkish Indrayanti apparently helped bring positive impact. Unlike the other beaches are rather dirty, along the shoreline Indrayanti looks clean and free of litter. This is because the manager did not hesitate to impose fines for each waste dumped by tourists indiscriminately. Therefore Indrayanti be a pleasant place to visit.

Indrayanti Beach google doc

After enjoying a plate of fried rice and coconut ice in the gazebo, headed for the hills on the east side. As there is no road, through the bushes and shrubs while rock climbing also be an option. Arriving at the top of a hill with a view of the sea bebatasan Indian Ocean outspread. Some birds fly while carrying reeds to build a nest. The sound of the waves and the rustle of the wind chime orchestra creates a beautiful and calming.  gazed westward. Some of the beaches are separated by hills seen lined, gazebo and stage house looks small, whereas people like diminutive. When dusk came, this place would be a good spot to watch the sun back into the dusk. Dear  must hurry home. Although it does not have time to watch a beautiful sunset, the charm of Turkish Indrayanti been seared in the liver.

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