Minggu, 21 Februari 2016

Dieng Java Temple "Sanjaya dynasty masterpiece "

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Dieng Plateau is an active volcanic region in Central Java, which entered the district of Banjarnegara and Wonosobo. It lies to the west of Mount Sindoro complex and Sumbing. Dieng temple area occupies a plateau at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, elongated north-south direction with a width of about 1900 m along 800 m.

Dieng Temple Sanjaya dynasty masterpiece google doc
Set wing Hindu Shiva temple could have been built between the late 8th century until the beginning of the 9th century is believed to be the oldest temple in Java. Until now has not found written information about the history of Dieng Temple, but experts predict that these temples were built by the kings of Sanjaya dynasty. In Dieng area discovered a stone inscription dated 808 AD, which is the oldest inscription written in ancient Javanese, which are still extant today. A statue of Shiva found in the area is now kept in the National Museum in Jakarta. Dieng temple construction is estimated to take place in two stages. The first phase took place between the end of the 7th century until the first quarter of the 8th century, includes construction of Arjuna, Semar, Heroine Temple and Temple Gatutkaca. The second phase is a continuation of the first phase, lasting until around 780 AD

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Dieng temple was rediscovered in 1814, when it was a British soldier who was to Dieng saw a cluster of temples submerged in lake water. In 1956, Van Kinsbergen led efforts draining the lake where the temples were located. Cleanup efforts continue by the Dutch in 1864, followed by recording and taking pictures by Van Kinsbergen.The temples Dieng is a masterpiece of the Sanjaya dynasty as the oldest Hindu temple in Java wing in the 7th century that still looked dashing in the Dieng plateau. The building is small on average 4 m sq look beautiful in the middle of the mountain Dieng. Many people say Dieng temple is unique. Its tiny, simple but striking architecture of each eye when looking at the beauty of this ancient Hindu heritage.
Dieng Temple Sanjaya dynasty masterpiece google doc
Dieng temple is the most beautiful place in the offering goes to the god Shiva, The God of the Hindus which is famous for TRI MURTI namely Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma. Cand-temples that have been found and are still preserved its existence include Arjuna temple complex includes Arjuna, Heroine, Puntadewa Temple, Temple Sembadra and Candi Semar. When directing the view to the right side, through the trail that thick green grass overgrown temple complex looked Setiaki that the building is not less beautiful temples in the area of ​​Candi Arjuna. As I walked up through the thick pine trees, there are also one of the Temple Gatutkaca Dieng temple. Gatutkaca temple is a temple complex as well but there is only one temple building still standing in the temple complex of Gatutkaca. The layout of the temple which is higher than Arjuna temple complex and temple complex Setiaki so Gatutkaca temple complex area is often used by the photographer as the object of photo spot them.

Dieng Temple Sanjaya dynasty masterpiece google doc

Sanjaya dynasty masterpiece as a civilization shaped hindu temple-like structure of the Indian temples were already in Dieng, namely Candi Bima. Candi Bima is the temple of the most unique and mysterious Dieng. Not far from the village Dieng, visible piles of stones neatly arranged in the form of the temple is also still good on the eye that is Dwarawati, It separates itself from the others make this temple a lot in the chase by the tourists.Dieng temple is a relic of the mysterious because of its presence and looks magnificent because the style of architect

Dieng Temple Sanjaya dynasty masterpiece google doc

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