Senin, 22 Februari 2016

Sari Temple Home of Java Buddhist

Sari Temple Home of Buddhist google doc
Sari Temple is located 150 meters northeast Kalasan. Initially the temple was found in a state of disrepair that in 1929, the restoration that ended in 1930. The temple is rectangular with a size of 17.30 x 10 x 17 meters facing east, with the entrance stairs to the booth on the east side. On each side of the temple there is a window.

Sari Temple Home of Buddhist google doc

In the body of the temple there are three rooms were lined up, each connecting it to the entrance. The temple is estimated storey, walk-up floors made of wood possibility. It is known from the holes is estimated to be used to place the tip of the wooden beams.

On the north and south walls of the booth down, there is a niche decorated with Kalamakara. On the outer side of the temple, sculpted statues of gods and Tara Bodhisattva. These statues totaling 36 pieces (8 on the east side, 8 in the north, 8 in the south, and 12 in the west). In general, this statue portrayed with graceful attitude (attitude Tribangga) and holding red and blue lotus. The outside walls of the temple are equipped with bajralepa.

Sari Temple Home of Buddhist google doc

Based on statues and reliefs carved deities can be seen that a religious background Sari temple was Buddhist. The division of space indicates that Sari temple was used as a temple (dormitory priest). Year of establishment of the temple could not be determined, but based on the information about the existence of a temple in Kalasa Inscription can be estimated that the temple was a contemporary of Kalasan, from the 8th century AD.

Sari Temple Home of Buddhist google doc

According to estimates of the temple was built in the 8th century AD with the construction period Kalasan, during the reign of Panangkaran. The linkage of both temples is mentioned in the inscription Kalasan (700 Saka / 778 AD). In kalasan inscription explained that the religious advisor has suggested that the Sailendra dynasty Maharaja Tejapurnama Panangkarana, thought Panangkaran, building shrine to worship the Goddess Tara and a monastery for Buddhist priests. To worship the goddess Tara was built Kalasan, while Buddhist monks built monasteries Candi Sari. Judging from the shape of the whole and the parts in Sari temple, the temple is expected to serve as a dormitory or residence of the Buddhist clergy.

Sari Temple Home of Buddhist google doc

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